Professional Development
We are committed to ongoing professional growth and development in order to keep up to date with current researches and issues related to child development. Our educators attend conferences and take Early Childhood Education courses; in addition, the Centre is a member of Early Childhood Care and Education New Brunswick (ECCENB). A mandatory minimum 15 hours per year of professional development credits are required by all educators at our Centre.
Here are some of the certifications and qualifications of our educators:
Cindy Butland - 2 year Diploma - ECE
Pedagogical Leader
Candace Pelletier - 1 year Certificate - ECE
Susan Woods - 1 year Certificate - ECE
Educator, Pedagogical Leader
Melinda Guitard - 1 year Certificate - ECE
Christina Seeley - 1 year Certificate - ECE
Brittany Hicks - 1 year Certificate - ECE
Amy Diotte - 1 year Certificate - Human Resource
Inclusion Support